Plans Reports and Studies-Aggregates

There are a few areas in the Town of Caledon that have aggregate operations. New or expanding aggregate operations (such as quarries and pits) are regulated by the Ministry of Natural Resources. All aggregate proposals and amendments must follow the guidelines set out in the Ontario Aggregate Resources Act, Ontario Planning and Development Act and Ontario Planning Act.

Review our Rehabilitation Master Plan to learn about how we plan to rehabilitate former aggregate lands for future development and land use.

Current applications

View our current development applications for a detailed description of the current aggregate operation applications including:

Aggregate operation applications

If you want to start a mineral aggregate operation in Caledon, you must obtain a licence from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Part of that approval process requires a proponent to demonstrate compliance with local zoning or to have a Development Permit from the Niagara Escarpment Commission. Development plans have to conform to the Town of Caledon's Official Plan.

Aggregate - plans, reports, and studies

Supplementary Aggregate Policy Study

The Supplementary Aggregate Policy Study will build upon the joint Region and Town Aggregate Policy Review and the Town’s Aggregate Rehabilitation Master Plan. The Study will look at background on aggregates in Caledon, review aggregate Official Plan policies, and make recommendations for improvements to those policies to ensure Caledon can reach its planning goals.

Supplementary Aggregate Policy Study Webpage

Aggregate Policy and Community Working Group

The Town has finalized the formation of an Aggregate Resource Community Working Group created to provide input to the Town of Caledon’s Aggregate Policy Study. The Working Group will ensure community perspectives are considered in the review and development of updated Official Plan aggregate policies.

The Working Group members were selected based on criteria set by Council priorities at the March 21, 2023, Planning and Development Committee meeting.

They include:

  • experience living near a pit or quarry;
  • expertise in the aggregate field; and
  • representation from Ward 1.
  • Previous experience on a committee, task force or tribunal was considered an asset.

Staff applied these criteria when choosing the following six residents to join the Community Working Group:

  • David Sylvester
  • Martin Bamford
  • Ian Sinclair (appointed to replace John Emery)
  • Jane Thompson
  • Neil Morris
  • Cheryl Connors 

The role of the Working Group is to liaise with residents to bring a variety of perspectives to the study, to inform the work of the consultant and Town staff. We are looking forward to working with these engaged Caledon residents to receive their input, and the input of the broader Caledon community, to ensure the Town has the best policies on mineral aggregate resources in its Official Plan to protect rural communities and our natural environment.

The Supplementary Aggregate Policy Study is informed by input provided by the Working Group. Continued discussion with the Working Group and responding to issues and concerns raised in those conversations informed the production of an updated project work plan, as well as the formation of policy options for consideration. The Aggregate Resources Community Working Group will continue to be engaged throughout the project.  

Public Input is Welcome at Any Time

The Town welcomes any and all members of the community to continue to share their contributions regarding the project. Please contact Jeff Hignett at with your comments. 

Documents Produced Out of Working Group Large Format Meetings
Documents Produced Out of Working Group Breakout Meetings
Summary slides
Interim Control By-law on New Gravel Pits and Quarries in Caledon

An interim control bylaw (ICBL) is a tool available to Ontario municipalities as part of the Planning Act. An ICBL places a temporary “freeze” on the development of certain lands while a municipality is studying or reviewing its land use policies. The restrictions can only be imposed for one year, with a maximum extension of a second year. Once an ICBL is no longer in effect, a subsequent ICBL may not be imposed on those same lands for three years.

On Monday, September 26, 2023, the Town of Caledon Council passed Interim Control By-law No. 2023-084, under Section 38 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13.

The purpose of Interim By-law No. 2023-084 is to amend Interim Control By-law 2022-075 to extend the period of time during which it will be in effect to October 18, 2024. Interim Control By-law 2022-075, passed by Town Council on October 18, 2022, restricts the use of land for the establishment of new gravel pits of quarries, while a study is completed to examine mineral aggregate resource Official Plan policies and zoning by-law standards/regulations, and identify improvements or updates to those policies and standards/regulations.

Interim Control By-law 2022-075
 Rehabilitation Master Plan

The Town's Official Plan requires the preparation of a Rehabilitation Master Plan (RMP) for areas in the Town of Caledon with a high concentration of mineral aggregate operations. The RMP will consider how to restore and repurpose lands with many aggregate pits that border each other and that are within a geographical area for future development while taking community interests into account.

Rehabilitation Master Plan Webpage

 Excess Soil

Excess soil is soil that has been excavated, usually from new developments that will not be used on the site. This soil needs to be taken away and put elsewhere. Because we are a rural community close to the GTA, Caledon is an attractive destination for excess soil from neighbouring urban communities.

Excess Soil Webpage