Bolton Special Policy Area Study

In recent years the Province of Ontario asked municipalities with Special Policy Areas (SPA) to update their policies and flood plain boundaries. Many of these areas were established over 20 years ago and needed to be updated. SPA policies allow for limited development in flood prone areas so as to ensure their continued economic viability, in a safe manner.

In Caledon we have one SPA, in Bolton.

Current status

The study was completed and a report went to Council in 2017. In 2018 the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) Conservation Board endorsed the report.  Following that the Town sent Part A and Part B of the report to the province for approval, which we are waiting on. Once approval is received Council will consider the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment.


The purpose of the Bolton SPA Study was to:

  • Review and update the existing SPA boundary
  • Conduct a flood risk assessment to determine which lands should be included within the new SPA boundary
  • Develop planning justification for lands to be included in or excluded from the SPA
  • Prepare Official Plan policies

We've created a variety of flood risk assessment reports to analyze current and future flooding risk. Contact us to review these reports.