News and Notices
Town of Caledon Thanksgiving Day Closures
Posted on Thursday, October 05, 2017 02:30 AM
Town of Caledon offices, facilities and non-emergency services will be closed Monday, October 9, 2017 for Thanksgiving Day and will reopen Tuesday, October 10, 2017.
The following is a list of facility closures:
- All libraries
- All recreation facilities
- Animal Shelter
- POA Court (Provincial Offences at Town Hall and at Zina Street Court House in Orangeville)
- Town Hall
- Caledon Fire and Emergency Service – Headquarters
The Town and the Region would like to remind residents that waste collection will take...
Fire Prevention Week | Every Second Counts - Plan two ways out!
Posted on Tuesday, October 03, 2017 10:30 AM
You and your family are fast asleep when the smoke alarm sounds. Do you know what to do?
Fire Prevention Week is October 8 – 14, 2017, and the perfect time for Caledon Fire & Emergency Services to remind all households to develop a home escape plan together and practice it. A plan includes working smoke alarms on every level of the home, in every bedroom and near all sleeping areas. It also includes two ways out of every room, usually a door and a window, with a clear path to an outside meeting...
Town of Caledon Receives Distinguished Budget Presentation Award
Posted on Monday, October 02, 2017 03:15 AM
The Town of Caledon recently received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), for the 2017 budget document, marking the sixth consecutive year that the Town has achieved this award.
“This is a significant accomplishment for the staff and leadership of our Finance Department, I couldn’t be more proud of them” said Mayor Allan Thompson “A considerable amount of time, energy and importance is placed on developing a budget each and every year....
Public Information Centre: Improvements to Main Street South/Queen Street East
Posted on Friday, September 22, 2017 11:45 AM
Alton Village Streetscaping / Bridge and Culvert Replacement over Shaw’s Creek
The Region of Peel is developing plans for the proposed improvements to Main Street South / Queen Street East (Regional Road 136). The proposed work is scheduled for 2018 and will improve safety, provide connectivity to features and attractions, and encourage walking and cycling within the village.
Open Houses
Your opinion matters! Two Public Information Centres are being held, where additional information will be provided...
Shacca Holdings Caledon Inc.
Posted on Wednesday, September 13, 2017 03:15 AM
Shacca Holdings Caledon has applied for a Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate a mixed use development that includes residential, commercial and environmental protection components.
The applicant is proposing 38 condominium townhouse units and 1,375 m2 (14,800 ft2) of retail commercial uses including the conversion of the Allison’s Grove residence for commercial uses.
One access to Airport Road is proposed for the residential condominium...