Transportation Engineering

One of the Town of Caledon's top priorities is an effective and efficient transportation system for the future. With a long-term vision of providing a "Balanced Transportation System" for the movement of people and goods, accessible to all Caledon residents, and that reaffirms the Town's objectives to sustainable development, protection of the natural environment, economic vitality, and healthy communities, the Town's Transportation Master Plan envisions the integration of all modes and elements of transportation.

The Multi-Modal Transportation Master Plan, Active Transportation Master Plan, Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA), and development-related transportation investigations like Secondary plans are planned and carried out by the Transportation Engineering Division. The planning of trails, cycling infrastructure, and traffic calming measures within the public right-of-way fall under the purview of transportation engineering.

Below is more information regarding the projects and services provided by the Transportation Engineering Division:

Current Projects and Studies

View our current projects to learn more about transportation plans in Caledon:

Southfields Village Parking Strategy Study

The Town of Caledon has launched a Parking Strategy Study for the Southfields Village Community. Southfields is a relatively new residential community with high vehicle dependency and an increasing demand for additional parking options. This high demand is causing an increase in on-street parking, parking of vehicles on narrow boulevards overhanging sidewalks and roadways, widening of driveways, paving of front yards and removal of landscaping, which negatively impacts the appearance of the community. The Town is developing a Parking Strategy to address the parking demand and minimize negative impacts on the neighbourhood.

Learn more: Southfields Village Parking Study

George Bolton Parkway Extension Class Environmental Assessment (EA)

The Town of Caledon, as co-proponents with the Humber Station Village Landowners Group, has retained LEA Consulting Ltd. (LEA) for a “Schedule C” Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) for the extension of George Bolton Parkway to Humber Station Road with a local road connection south in the Town of Caledon, within the Regional Municipality of Peel. This study builds upon the recommendations in the Town’s Multi-Modal Transportation Master Plan (MMTMP) and will support the planned Humber Station Village Secondary Plan area development.

Learn more: Georoge Bolton Parkway Extension EA Study.

Caledon Rail to Trail (CRT) Conversion Project

The Town of Caledon has the opportunity to convert a 35 km stretch of the former Orangeville to Brampton Railway into an active transportation trail. This section of the proposed trail runs from Orangeville to Mississauga and the total length of the corridor is 51 km. The Town of Caledon is undertaking an engagement process to study the development of the Caledon Rail to Trail (CRT) Active Transportation Trail.

Learn more: CRT Project

Chinguacousy Road Improvements Class Environmental Assessment (EA)
The Town of Caledon has initiated this project to review solutions for this road from Mayfield to Old School Road.

Traffic Calming

 Traffic Calming Process Guidelines for residents

If you have a concern about the speed of traffic on your street and your community wants to be considered for traffic calming, various steps need to be followed to have the Town investigate the issue in a particular neighbourhood, please follow the process and submit your request to the Town. For more information, please visit the traffic calming webpage.

Transit Services

 Learn More About Transit Service in Caledon

Transit is available in and around Caledon and the Peel Region. For more information about transit services in Caledon please visit transit webpage.


Learn More About Cycling in Caledon

Caledon is a well-known destination for cyclists, with about 250 km bike routes. For more information about Cycling please visit Cycling webpage.


The Town of Caledon has over 260 km of trails for your use. Find out where you can get active and enjoy the outdoors
 The Town of Caledon has over 260 km of trails for your use. To find out where you can get active and enjoy the outdoors, please visit the trails webpage.

Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE)

 Learn More About Automated Speed Enforcement Program

Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) is an automated system that uses a camera and a speed measurement device to help enforce speed limits in school zones and community safety zones. ASE technology will help make drivers more aware of their speed and the need to slow down. For more information, please visit ASE webpage.

Completed Projects

We have completed a number of transportation studies, including:

Caledon Multi-Modal Transportation Master Plan (2024)

The Town of Caledon has developed a Multi-Modal Transportation Master Plan 2024 (MMTMP). The MMTMP is aligned with the Province and the Region’s plans and initiatives to address mobility needs to 2051, which is consistent with the new Official Plan planning horizon. The MMMTP is a long-term strategy that guides the planning, policy, and infrastructure needs of the Town’s multi-modal transportation system to accommodate future growth and development.

Caledon Active Transportation Master Plan (2024)
Caledon’s Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) is a long-range planning document that guides the planning, design and implementation of active transportation in Caledon to create a livable and sustainable community. The plan provides the necessary framework to develop and manage a more physically active transportation community in a cost-effective manner that will connect, integrate, enhance and expand on our existing facilities.
Columbia Way Environmental Assessment
The Town of Caledon has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Columbia Way between Highway 50 and Caledon King Townline to improve traffic conditions and enhance the safety of all road users.
Traffic Calming Strategy
The Town of Caledon is putting the brakes on speeding by developing a new Traffic Calming Strategy to help address speeding as well as improve road safety for all users. 
Mayfield West Phase 2 Secondary Plan

Mayfield West 2 Transportation Master Plan guides the delivery of transportation infrastructure and services in the development area. The MW2-TMP provides a strategic balanced transportation framework that supports walking, cycling, and public transport as well as a road network.