Notice of Public Meeting - Humber Station Employment Area Secondary Plan

Notice of Statutory Public Meeting and Notice of Humber Station Employment Area Secondary Plan
This is to inform you that a draft Secondary Plan has been prepared for the Humber Station Employment Area, encompassing approximately 236 hectares of rural land west of Coleraine Drive in Bolton. The Peel Regional Official Plan identifies the Secondary Plan Area as part of the Urban System and Bolton Residential Expansion Settlement Area and designates the lands as New Employment Area.
The draft Secondary Plan sets out a land use framework for the development of future Prestige and General Employment land uses in the area. The goal of the Secondary Plan is to promote a mix of high-quality employment and industrial development in a comprehensive manner consistent with the Official Plan.
An Open House and Statutory Public Meeting will be held to consider the proposed Secondary Plan.
Meeting Information
- Meeting Date: Tuesday July 16, 2024
- Public Meeting Start Time: 7:00 p.m.
- Location: Town Hall, 6311 Old Church Road, Caledon
The Open House will take place in the Atrium, with the Public Meeting to follow in Council Chambers
Your input and insight will inform and shape plans that meet the needs of our community.
How to Participate
Attend In-Person |
Members of the public may register to delegate in-person and speak to the Draft Humber Station Employment Area Secondary Plan or sit in the gallery to watch the meeting. |
Submit a Written Comment |
Members of the public may submit written comments regarding the Draft Humber Station Employment Area Secondary Plan by Friday July 12, 2024 to:
Lead Planner Jeff Hignett Senior Planner, Policy Town of Caledon 6311 Old Church Road, Caledon, ON L7C 1J6 Tel: 905-584-2272 (ext. 4222) Email: |
Virtually Members |
Virtually Members of the public are welcome to participate via phone or WebEx Meeting upon request. For more information on how to participate please contact the Planning Department. Please note that there are deadlines by which the request to participate need to be made. |
If a specified person, public body or registered owner of land to which the plan applies, would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Council of the Town of Caledon to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the specified person, public body or registered owner of land to which the plan applies, does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Town of Caledon before the proposed Official Plan Amendment is adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
Additional Information
For more information about this matter, or to provide comments, feedback or ask questions, please visit the development application webpage or contact the Lead Planner at Town Hall from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Notice Date: June 20, 2024