Council Highlights - November 28, 2023

Special Council Review of Peel Official Plan

Following the Province’s reversal of decision on 12 Official Plans in Ontario, Council approved a request for modifications to the Peel Official Plan, in response to the Province’s request for comments. The modifications included mapping changes to the 2051 Urban Area of the Peel Official Plan.

The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing will be requested to consider the proposed changes in their final decision on the Peel 2051 Official Plan and approve the modifications requested by the Town of Caledon

Staff are compiling a list of costs that could be recoverable from the Province from the decision to reverse the approval of the Region of Peel Official Plan.


Bill 150 was introduced on November 16, 2023 to reverse the Provincial decisions on 12 upper and single tier official plans, including the Region of Peel.

At the November 21, 2023 Planning and Development Committee meeting staff provided information regarding Bill 150: Provincial Review of Minister’s Decision on Peel Official Plan. Key themes included:

  • Peel Official Plan approval process as it relates to the Province and the Town
  • Outline of Bill 150 and the Official Plan Adjustments Act, including specification on the 44 modifications
  • Overview on Caledon’s Growth Concept with the Minister’s modifications and next steps

New snow removal assistance programs

Council voted to fund a $60,000 windrow clearing pilot program from January 1 to March 31, 2024. The pilot will help the Town review and understand the demand for the service and the potential costs to continue the program in the 2024/2025 season.

The service will be provided to up to 200 residences by external contractors to clear the driveway windrow after snow events of 8 cm of continuous snowfall or more and after all Town roads have been plowed. To qualify for the service:

  • All occupants of the residence must be 65 years of age or older
  • Eligible for driveways on Town local, urban roads only
  • The end of driveways must be cleared of all obstacles including landscape features, trash cans, gates/fencing and parked cars
  • Applications to be reviewed and approved on a first-come, first-serve basis up to 200 residences
  • Applicants pay a fee of $200 for the service

For more information visit: Windrow Removal Assistance Pilot Program

Making snow removal assistance more accessible

Starting November 29, proof of low-income is no longer required for residents 75 and older to qualify for the Snow Removal Financial Assistance Program.

The Town of Caledon’s Snow Removal Assistance program supports eligible low-income older adults (65 and older) and low-income persons with disabilities to safely access their private driveways, stairs and walkways during various winter weather events is now more accessible.

Qualified applicants can receive a financial grant of up to $500 to support the purchase of snow removal services.

To apply visit: Snow Removal Assistance program

Funding for physician recruitment

Council voted to provide $50,000 in funding to the Ontario Health Team Physician Recruitment Steering Group to hire a recruiter to be shared between the Town of Caledon, Dufferin County and Headwaters Health Care Centre.

Visitor Management Work Plan Presentation

Staff presented outcomes of the 2023 visitor management work plan. Each year, Economic Development and Tourism staff work in partnership with Town departments, community groups, Ontario Provincial Police, Region of Peel, conservation areas, and tourism partners on priority action areas to improve visitor experience and lessen impacts on residents. 

Progress was made in each of the priority areas including: access to amenities (increased public washroom hours and temporary seasonal portlets along trailway); parking (seasonal overflow parking in Belfountain and signage); wayfinding and signage (temporary seasonal wayfinding and permanent Caledon trailway signage in production); tourism partnerships (expansion of ParkBus partnership and Caledon Creative Arts Festival, out-of-town events, event sponsorship and tradeshows); communication plan (social media messaging, curated trip ideas and multilingual advertising) and visitor education and engagement (information session and feedback).

Integrity Commissioner Procurement and Selection

Council selected Boghosian + Allen LLP as the Town’s Integrity Commissioner with the term to begin January 1, 2024 and end on November 30, 2026. The contract with the Town’s current Integrity Commissioner expires on December 31, 2023.

The Town is required by legislation to appoint an Integrity Commissioner who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Designated Boards and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act (MCIA).

The Town first appointed an integrity Commissioner in 2010.

Book revenue continues to enhance the Caledon Trailway

The Caledon Trailway Book Committee presented the Town of Caledon with $13,000 for Caledon Trailway enhancements.

Proceeds from the sale of The Caledon Trailway: building the dream, published in 2019 have paid for benches, signage, bicycle repair stands and a trailway kiosk. The committee expects the book will be sold out by the end of December.

For a list of locations where book can still be purchased, please go to

Thanks to generous donors and grants the cost of publication was covered, and the revenue from all book sales have gone back into specific improvements to the Trailway.