Climate Change

Resilient Caledon logo including text that says Thinking Big on Climate Change

Climate change is real, and its impacts are already being felt here in Caledon. From increasing intense storm events that result in flooding to more extreme heat days in the summer, we know Caledon’s weather will become hotter, wetter and wilder in the coming years

Resilient Caledon Community Climate Change Action Plan

The Resilient Caledon Plan is the Town's most ambitious community climate change action plan. The Plan contains over 60 actions to prepare for the local impacts of climate change (i.e. flooding and extreme heat) and achieve the following greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets:

  • 2030: Reduce GHG emissions 36% below 2016 levels
  • 2050: Reach net zero GHG emissions 
Resilient Caledon Plan Materials
  • Resilient Caledon Plan
  • Resilient Caledon Plan Staff Report
  • Resilient Caledon Plan infographic 
  • Resilient Caledon Plan short webinar
  • Resilient Caledon Plan posters - for community groups to use
  • Video: Caledon Residents Taking Action on Climate Change:


Climate Change Projects and Programs

Alongside the Resilient Caledon Plan, there are a number of initiatives and ongoing programs that support climate action in Caledon. 

Green Development Standards (GDS)
On May 21st, 2024 Town Council unanimously approved Caledon's first Green Development Standards, with the goal of implementing sustainable, climate-friendly design across all new residential, commercial and industrial development. For more information, visit the Green Development Standards page. 
Home Energy Retrofits
Caledon is working with its partners across Peel Region to support residents making their homes more energy efficient. Visit the Centre for Community Energy Transformation to find resources, events and free energy coaching opportunities to help you on your home retrofit journey!
 West Bolton Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP)

The West Bolton SNAP is delivered in partnership with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and the Region of Peel. Visit the West Bolton SNAP page for more information and to learn about the following projects:

  • Green Home Program - free program that offers a series of virtual webinars to learn how to save energy and conserve water in your home. Exclusive incentives offered to West Bolton SNAP residents and one-on-one guidance and support from TRCA staff. 
  • Green Home Makeover - a home in the West Bolton SNAP area was selected to receive a suite of energy retrofits,  water conservation measures and eco-landscaping
  • Heritage Hills Parkette DepaveRemoval of underutilized asphalt and replaced with a vibrant growing space for native plants
Climate Action Fund
The Town provides grants to Caledon schools, non-profit organizations, Indigenous communities and others for environmental projects, programs and events. The Town has supported more than 100 projects and distributed more than $290,000 in grants since 2006. Project areas can include addressing climate change, enhancing green space, improving stormwater retention, conducting public education, etc. Please see the Community Grants page for more information and to submit an application.
 Tree Seedling Program
The Town runs an annual Tree Seedling Program where Caledon landowners (homes, schools, businesses, etc.) can purchase potted saplings for their property to help expand Caledon’s tree cover and improve carbon sequestration. Visit the Tree Seedling Program page for more information. 
 Green Biz Caledon
The Town has teamed up with Partners in Project Green (PPG) to pilot a new program aimed at helping businesses reduce their carbon footprint and green their operations. Businesses enrolled in the program will have access to advice and mentorship from the experts at PPG and can create a customized ‘green’ plan that works for them. Areas of focus will include energy, vehicles, water, waste, and green space.


Visit GreenBiz Caledon for more information.

What you can do 

Some of the most impactful actions that are recommended to reduce your personal emissions are: 

  • When replacing your vehicle, consider a hybrid or electric option. Did you know you could receive up to $5000 off of your purchase from the Government of Canada?  View the Town’s Sustainable Transportation page to see where Town-owned EV charging stations are located. 
  • Try walking, cycling, or transit to your destination instead of driving. Visit the Town’s Transit page to learn about rates and routes.
  • Make your home or business more energy efficient! See the resources section below for links to incentives. 
  • If you’re a local non-profit, school, faith/church group, indigenous group, or neighborhood association looking to address climate change action in Caledon, apply for funding through our Climate Action Fund.
  • Eat local food and produce and make effort to reduce food waste.
  • Plant native trees and gardens on your property. Visit the Town’s Tree Seedling Program.  
  • Participate in Town and local community group events and stay informed on climate change. 
 See the links below and the Community Resources page to help you take action to reduce your personal emissions:

Community Environmental Groups

The Town has numerous non-profit and volunteer community groups that are actively working on environmental initiatives! See the table below to learn more about their environmental initiatives and contact information. 

Community Environmental Groups
Community GroupContact Info
Albion Hills Community Farm
Caledon Community Services
Community Climate Council
Palgrave United Community Kitchen
Oak Ridges Institute for Applied Sustainability (ORIAS)
Ontario Streams
Village of Inglewood Association


 Peel Climate Change Partnership
The Peel Climate Change Partnership is a collaborative between the Region of Peel, Cities of Mississauga and Brampton, Credit Valley Conservation and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, that work together on projects and secure funding that will help each member organization to reduce GHG emissions and adapt to climate change. 
 Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCOM)
 In 2017, the Town joined GCOM, an international alliance of 7,500 cities and local governments, including 24 Canadian municipalities. GCOM promotes local climate change actions to lower GHG emissions and promote a resilient society. 
 Partners for Climate Protection Program
The Town joined the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' (FCM) Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program in 2003 and have completed all five milestones of the program. 
 Clean Air Partnership
 The Town is a member of the Clean Air Partnership (CAP), a charitable environmental organization launched in 2000, that enables communities to improve air quality, advance active transportation, and take bold climate action. CAP convenes networks, leads research and knowledge transfer and catalyzes transformative action. 
Youth Challenge International

The Town participates in the Youth Challenge International's Innovate my Future program that supports youth to engage with their local governments to develop a greater understanding of local climate issues and priorities and gain experience in designing and implementing climate action projects. The projects completed in 2020 included:

  • LoCarbon Cuisine: a service that outfits restaurant menus with the carbon footprint of main dishes and sides;
  • Project RenYOUables: a project that focuses on increasing energy efficiency retrofits for businesses in the GTA

If you are a youth member in Caledon and are interested in the program contact Laura Hache, Climate Action Lead, at