Public Open House: Future Caledon - Official Plan Review

Second Official Plan open house
Please join us for the second Public Open House for Future Caledon, the Town’s New Official Plan.
Meeting date: December 13, 2021 | Meeting time: 6:30 p.m.
The Official Plan serves as a road map to responsibly and strategically manage growth and change over the next 30+ years. At this meeting you will have the opportunity to:
- Learn more about the project, hear about the overall timeline and opportunities to get involved.
- Hear about what we’ve learned from our research and how it will impact the future of Caledon.
- Provide input on where growth will occur in the Town and hear about the proposed Town Structure.
We want to hear from you! The Town is committed to engaging in a way that is open, transparent, accessible and inclusive. We need your feedback to help identify community needs and priorities as we prepare for the future. Learn more about the Official Plan, and all opportunities to have your say:
What is an Official Plan? |
An Official Plan is an overarching policy document that acts as a road map for how our community will develop, locate housing, build transportation networks, locate employment, offer community facilities, and much more. Official Plans are necessary to promote smart land use decision-making and ensure compatibility between different land uses (e.g., residential, industrial, agricultural) and ensure that we are protecting our environment and natural resources. Official Plans also identify future infrastructure needs to support a growing community through the provision of parks, transit options, schools and recreation spaces.
How to participate
This public meeting will be held on Zoom.
How to watch online |
Registration is required, click on the link below: |
How to listen only |
For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.
Webinar ID: 946 4158 1275 |
Contact Us |
For more information on how to participate or if you require special accommodation, please contact |
Other ways you can participate
We need your input throughout the Official Plan Review process. There are a number of ways you can stay engaged, receive updates, participate, and provide your input:
Visit Project Website |
Sign-up to our email list |