Notice of Application: POPA 2024-0005

This is to inform you that the Town of Caledon has received an Official Plan Amendment and Block Plan application. Your input and insight will inform and shape plans that meet the needs of our community.
- File Number: POPA 2024-005
Applicant and Location:
- Applicant: Weston Consulting (Sabrina Sgotto) on behalf of Simpson Road Landowners Group Inc.
- Location: 0, 12197, 12155, 10265, 12045, 12029 Coleraine Drive, 8522, 8576, 8602 Mayfield Road East Side of Coleraine Drive, and north of Mayfield Road, Ward 5.
Proposed Changes:
The applicant has submitted a Official Plan Amendment and Block Plan application proposing an amendment to the Official Plan policies in the South Simpson Industrial Area Secondary Plan.
The applicant is proposing to amend Schedule “C”, “C-5” and “C-7” of the Official Plan to extend the Simpson Road Right-of-Way to Mayfield Road through the subject lands and adding the following policy:
“ The Rainbow Creek channel is permitted to be fully piped from its existing origin at the upstream SWM pond downstream to a natural, vegetated bend in the channel just upstream of Mayfield Road pursuant the completion of an Environmental Impact Study to the satisfaction of Town Staff.”
Lead Planner
Taral Shukla
Lead Planner, Strategic Policy Planning
905-584-2272 ext. 4037
Additional Information
For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, a copy of the proposed Official Plan Amendment, additional information and material, please visit our project webpage or contact the Lead Planner at Town Hall from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
If you require an accessibility accommodation to access any materials related to this item in an alternate format please contact Legislative Services by phone at 905-584-2272 x.2366 or via email at
Multi-Tenant Landowners: Please post this notice in a visible location to all residents of the land.
Notice Date: September 12, 2024