Harassment on the rise toward Caledon Town employees – safety will be priority

March 6, 2023 – Town of Caledon is seeing an increase in situations where roads and customer service staff are being harassed, abused and assaulted while working.  This weekend there were multiple incidents, in one case the OPP was contacted. 

On Thursday the Town issued warnings about severe weather leading up to the recent snowstorm.  Messages included information about the storm, road clearing time estimates and a request for patience as Caledon is so geographically large. “We realize most citizens have been patient, however, instances of harassment toward staff have increased both in frequency and severity throughout the winter. We will not compromise staff safety,” said Town of Caledon CAO Carey Herd.

Beyond rude gestures and verbal abuse, staff are now being physically threatened, in some cases objects are being hurled at trucks, sidewalk plows and at staff directly. The OPP have been called to protect staff safety. “Violence toward individuals trying to do their job to the best of their ability is unacceptable,” said Caledon OPP Inspector MaryLouise Kearns. “Threats to public safety will not be tolerated and charges will be laid when necessary.”

“These employees work long hours, during nights and weekends, working around obstacles including street-parked vehicles, to clear roads and sidewalks in a priority sequence, they shouldn’t have to endure threats and abuse,” said Mayor Annette Groves. “I know Caledon is better than that.”

“These are not only public service providers; they are members of our community; they might be neighbours, family or friends. They should be able to carry out their duties in a safe work environment free from harassment and abuse,” added Groves.

For more information about the service standards and maintenance of our roads and sidewalks visit caledon.ca/snow.