Council Highlights (February 1, 2022)

February 1, 2022 -- Council Highlights is a summary of major discussion items presented at Council meetings - circulated immediately following each meeting. You are encouraged to quote from and/or copy this information. Please refer to the minutes at for an official record of the meeting.
Bill 124
In support of the nursing profession in Ontario, Council passed a motion supporting frontline health care workers and requesting the provincial government to review the cause of the shortage of staff when they meet with the Ontario Nurses Association.
Caledon Seniors Centre
Council adopted a recommendation to recognize the contributions of longtime community volunteers Margaret Patterson and Beverly Nurden. As a result, two new rooms currently under construction at the Caledon Seniors Centre will be named the Patterson Room and the Beverley Nurden Room.
Visitor Management
During the pandemic, the Town of Caledon saw an increase in tourism that put extra pressure on facilities, parks, amenities, parking and visitor traffic to our hamlets and villages. In response to a recommendation from the Economic Development division, Council supported the establishment of a Task Force to implement the Town’s Visitor Management Plan.
Heritage Designations
552 The Grange Sideroad
Council adopted a staff recommendation, following a request from the property owner, to publish a notice to designate 552 The Grange Sideroad as a heritage property. The 51.36 acre property contains a c.1870s farmhouse and bank barn, a 20th century outbuilding, laneway and mature trees - notably a Black Walnut. -
16847 Heart Lake Road
Similarly, a public “Notice of Intention” will be issued to designate a 60-acre property on the east side of Heart Lake Road as a heritage property under the Ontario Heritage Act. The property contains an 1870s-1880s bank barn, laneway, camp cookhouse, several outbuildings and landscape features that were used for a children’s summer camp.
GTA West Corridor (413 Highway)
Council heard delegated speakers and reviewed correspondence in relation to a letter from the City of Markham to the Premier of Ontario about Highway 413.