Burning brush this spring? Don’t forget your burning permit

CALEDON, ON (April 11, 2022) – If you plan to burn yard waste or brush this spring, you’ll need to get a burn permit online or through Service Caledon.
Springtime brings unwanted grass fires. Grass and brush start to dry out, and fires can spread quickly and easily becoming uncontrollable with the smallest breeze. Nearly all grass fires spread quickly, igniting brush, trees and even buildings. Unattended burning is the most common cause of grass fires.
The Caledon Fire Service issues an average of 1,800 burning permits to residents each year in the following categories.
- Open Air permits ($43) are for larger lots (at least a half-acre in size) to burn yard waste (but not grass clippings or leaves)
- Recreational permits ($26) are for residential properties that meet minimum size/distance requirements
- Agricultural permits intended for agricultural properties. These permits are NOT available online. They require an inspection, which must be arranged in advance by calling Caledon Fire and Emergency Services at 905.584.2272 x. 4303.
An “Open Air Burning Permit” must be obtained and are only permitted in approved areas. Failure to obtain an open-air burning permit may result in a fine and/or invoice as set out in the current Fees By-law. Permits are only available online at burnpermits.caledon.ca or at the Town Hall location:
Town Hall (Service Caledon)
6311 Old Church Road
Caledon East
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Materials from your lawn, yard or garden are also being collected as yard waste by the Region of Peel. Yard waste pick up information can be found at www.peelregion.ca/waste/yard-waste.
If you have questions, please contact Caledon Fire and Emergency Services at 905.584.2272 x.4303 or by email at fire@caledon.ca. Visit our website at caledon.ca/fire.
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