Public Notices


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Public Notice

Construction Notice: McLaughlin Sidewalk Widening, Inglewood

Posted on Thursday, April 25, 2024 09:31 AM


 McLaughlin Road Sidewalk Widening, Inglewood

The road intersection of McLaughlin Road and McKenzie St and 120m South will undergo temporary lane closures for reconstruction of sidewalk on the North side of the road, asphalt rehabilitation, and a new crosswalk. The abandoned railway crossing will be removed from the roadway since it is no longer in use, providing a smooth roadway.

Access for Emergency Services, Student Transportation Services, Waste Collection, and Postal...

Public Notice

Construction Notice: IRFQ No. 24-040 - Mill Street Bridge Rehabilitation Works

Posted on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 03:55 PM


Mill Street Bridge Rehabilitation (near intersection of Creditview Road and Mill Street, Village of Cheltenham)

Bridge rehabilitation works will be completed on the Mill Street bridge structure, near the intersection of Creditview Road and Mill Street within the Village of Cheltenham.

Partial lane closure at the bridge crossing will be required to complete the bridge rehabilitation works. The works are anticipated to start April 25th, 2024. Increased traffic and delays...

Notice of Application: 0 Kennedy Road (21CDM-24001C)

Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2024 12:00 AM


Related File Number: 21CDM-21002C, 21CDM-21003C, and SPA 2018-0078

This is to inform you that the Town of Caledon has received a Draft Plan of Condominium application. Your input and insight will inform and shape plans that meet the needs of our community.

Applicant and Location
  • Applicant: Glen Schnarr and Associates Inc. on behalf of Cedarcove Developments Inc.
  • Location: 0 Kennedy Road, Ward 2
Proposed Changes

To establish one draft plan of condominium as follows:

  1. A standard...

Notice of Study Commencement: Southfields Village Parking Study

Posted on Friday, April 05, 2024 12:45 PM

The Study

The Town of Caledon has initiated a Parking Strategy Study for the Southfields Village Community (please see map below). Southfields Village is a relatively new residential community with a high auto dependency and increasing demand for additional parking opportunities on top of dedicated off-street parking spaces for residential units. This high demand for residential parking has resulted in an increase in on-street parking, vehicles being parked on boulevards  overhanging onto...

Notice of Adoption - Future Caledon Official Plan

Posted on Thursday, April 04, 2024 02:36 PM

A notice of adoption of By-law 2024-014 to adopt Future Caledon, a new Official Plan for the Town of Caledon can be viewed here. This Official Plan sets out a strategic and comprehensive approach to guiding growth and development throughout the Town of Caledon to the 2051 planning horizon. The Official Plan achieves this by providing goals, objectives and direction on matters such as: environmental protection, managing and directing growth, planning for employment and jobs, protecting...