0 and 12505 Heart Lake Road

The Town has received a proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications.

 Current Status
  • Under Appeal
  • Planning staff determined the application to be incomplete and premature, and as a result staff brought forward a Report (2023-0114) to Planning and Development Committee on February 21, 2023 which recommended refusal of the application. Council refused the applications.
  • The applicant appealed the decision of Council to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

Property Description

The subject lands are located at 12505 Heart Lake Road, on the east side of Heart Lake Road, north of Mayfield Road and Highway 410.

  • Project Name: Caledon HL Developments Inc.

The applications propose to facilitate 6 industrial buildings, with a total gross floor area of 100,892 square metres (1,085,991 square feet). There are four buildings proposed on the western portion of the lands, and two buildings proposed on the eastern portion of the lands. All 6 buildings propose accessory office space and show a number of loading docks. Access is proposed directly from Heart Lake Road for the western portion of the lands and through the adjacent lands to the east to Dixie Road (through an easement) for the eastern portion of the lands. There is no stormwater management pond illustrated on the concept plan. The concept plan illustrates the environmental lands at the north-east corner of the property with a surveyed top of bank and dripline.

 Location - 12505 Heart Lake Road, Ward 2
 Location Map
 Official Plan Amendment

The proposed Official Plan Amendment seeks to redesignate the lands from Prime Agricultural to Prestige Industrial and Environmental Policy Area. The Amendment does not propose to expand the Mayfield West settlement area or Secondary Plan within the Town’s Official Plan.

 Zoning By-law Amendment
The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to rezone the lands from Agricultural (A1) to Prestige Industrial (MP), Prestige Industrial – Holding (MP-H) and Environmental Policy Area 2 Zone (EPA2). As the lands are bisected by the GTA West Corridor, the MP zone would apply to the western portion of the lands, while the MP-H zone is proposed to apply to the easterly portion of the lands. The Holding ‘H’ Symbol is proposed to be in place until such time that there is an easement over the lands immediately east of the subject lands to provide access to Dixie Road. The EPA2 zone is proposed to apply to the environmental lands located in the north-east corner of the property.

Updates and notices

 Material Submitted

Contact us, or make an appointment to visit Town Hall to view studies not available online, or previous versions.

Lead Planner

Bianca Bielski, MCIP, RPP
Manager, Development
905-584-2272 x.4253

Additional information

For more information about this matter, or to provide comments, feedback or ask questions, please contact the Lead Planner at Town Hall from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.