6809 Healey Road

The Town has received a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment (Temporary Use) application.

Current Status
  • In Circulation

Property Description

The subject lands are located at 6809 Healey Road, on the south side of Healey Road just east of Innis Lake Road.

  • Town File Number: RZ 2024-0002
  • Project Name: Glenn Schnarr & Associates Inc. on behalf of Tolias Landscaping and Plowing Inc.
 Location - 6809 Healey Road, Ward 3
 Location Map
Zoning By-law Amendment

The Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to continue permitting a contractor’s facility with accessory business office, accessory gasoline pump island, and accessory open storage area for a maximum period of three (3) years.

Updates and notices

Material Submitted

Contact us, or make an appointment to visit Town Hall to view studies not available online, or previous versions.

Lead Planner

Alex Martino, Intermediate Planner
Planning Department
905.584.2272 x. 4019

Additional Resources

For more information about this matter, or to provide comments, feedback or ask questions, please contact the Lead Planner at Town Hall from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.