Ward Boundary Review
Notice of Passing By-law 2021-62 to Redivide Town of Caledon Ward Boundaries
In preparation for the 2022 Municipal Election, over the past year the Town reviewed its ward boundary structure to ensure it serves the community and provides effective representation. At the July 13, 2021 Town Council Meeting, Ward Boundary By-law 2021-62 was passed to update the Town's ward structure for the first time in 27 years. The changes to the wards will come into place for the 2022 Municipal Election.
New Ward System
The new structure will include six (6) wards with one (1) Councillor representing each. This prepares for urban population growth while also considering Caledon's rural heritage and communities of interest. The two (2) Regional Councillors who represent the Town on Regional Council will be elected in combinations of wards. One Regional Councillor will be elected to represent wards 1, 2 and 3 and the other will be elected to represent ward 4, 5 and 6. Including the Mayor, Caledon's Council will remain at its current size of 9 Members.
Ward Descriptions and Maps
Presented below are the descriptions and maps from Ward Boundary By-law 2021-62 for each of the wards.
Ward 1 |
Description Beginning where the centre line of Highway 9 would meet the centre line of St. Andrews Road if extended, following in a south easterly direction along the centre line of St. Andrews Road to where it meets the centre line of Olde Base Line Road (Regional Road 12). Then following in a south westerly direction to where the centre line of Olde Base Line Road would meet the center line of Bramalea Road if extended. Then following the centre line of Bramalea Road in a south easterly direction to where it meets the centre line of King Street (Regional Road 9). Then following in a south westerly direction along the centre line of King Street until the road reaches the northern edge of the 3749 King Street (ARN #: 212413001007000) property line. Then following east along the property line of 3749 King Street, around the easternmost edge of property lines of ARN #: 212413000621902 and around the south eastern border of ARN #: 212413000621975 to where it meets the easternmost corner of the property line for 13945 Kennedy Road (Regional Road 16) (ARN #: 212413000621905). Then following the edge of the property line to the northernmost corner of the property line around 13945 Kennedy Road and continuing to the north westernmost corner of the property immediately adjacent to Kennedy Road and extending to the centre line of Kennedy Road. Then following across Kennedy Road westward to where it intersects the north eastern corner of 3427 King Street (Roll #: 212413001005400) immediately adjacent to Kennedy Road. Then following along the eastern, southern and western property lines to where, if extended the property line would intersect the centre line of King Street. Then following the centre line of King Street in a south westerly direction to the north eastern corner of 13950 Heritage Road (ARN #: 212412000225100). Then following the easternmost property line of that lot south to the corner and then south west until reaching the south westernmost corner. Then following north until the property line intersects the centre of the Credit River. Then following the Credit River in a south westerly direction to the centre line of Winston Churchill Boulevard (Regional Road 19). Then following the western edge of the municipal boundary, being mostly but not entirely adjacent to Winston Churchill Boulevard, in a northward direction until the municipal boundary intersects with the centre line of Caledon East Garafraxa Town Line. Then following in an easterly direction on the northernmost edge of the municipal boundary to where the boundary would meet the centre line of St. Andrews Road if it were extended, being the point of origin. Map |
Ward 2 |
Description Beginning where the center line of King Street (Regional Road 9) meets the centre line of Bramalea Road, following in a south easterly direction along the centre line of Bramalea Road to where it meets the southern boundary of the municipality at the centre line of Mayfield Road (Regional Road 14). Then following along the edge of the municipal boundary in a south westerly direction to the southernmost corner of the municipality where Mayfield Road meets Winston Churchill Boulevard (Regional Road 19). Then following in a north westerly direction along the westernmost municipal boundary adjacent to Winston Churchill Boulevard to the centre of the Credit River. Then following the Credit River north to where it meets the edge of the property line of 13950 Heritage Road (ARN #: 212412000225100) near the south westernmost corner of that property line. Then from that corner following the property line in a north eastern direction to the corner and northwards to the north easternmost corner of the property line and extending the property line out to where it would intersect the centre line of King Street. Then following the centre line of King Street in a north easterly direction to where it first reaches the adjacent property line of 3427 King Street (ARN #: 212413001005400). Then following south along the westernmost property line of 3427 King Street to the corner and then north east until the property line is adjacent to Kennedy Road (Regional Road 16). Then following north along the easternmost most property line until reaching the property line of 13858 Kennedy Road (ARN #: 212413000611600). Then following in an easterly direction across the centre line of Kennedy Road to the north westernmost corner property line immediately adjacent to Kennedy Road for 13945 Kennedy Road (ARN #: 212413000621905). Then following along the property line in a north easterly direction to the north easternmost corner before continuing to the south easternmost corner adjacent to ARN #: 212413000621975. Then following in a north easterly direction until reaching the south easternmost corner of ARN #: 212413000621902 and continuing in a northerly direction along the easternmost edge of the property line until reaching the property line of 3749 King Street (ARN #: 212413001007000). Then following in an easterly direction to the south easternmost corner of 3749 King Street before continuing in a northerly direction along the property line to where if extended the property line would meet the centre line of King Street. Then following the centre line of King Street in a north easterly direction to where it meets the centre line of Bramalea Road and the point of origin. Map |
Ward 3 |
Description Beginning where the centre line of St. Andrews Road meets the centre line of Escarpment Sideroad, following in a north easterly direction along the centre line of Escarpment Sideroad to the centre line of Airport Road (Regional Road 7). Then following in a south easterly direction along the centre line of Airport Road to where the centre line of that road would meet the centre line of Patterson Sideroad, if it were extended beyond the end of Patterson Sideroad. Then following in a north easterly direction along the centre line of Patterson Sideroad until the centre line of that road meets the centre line of The Gore Road (Regional Road 8). Then following in a south easterly direction along the centre line of The Gore Road until the road meets the western edge of the property line of 12205 The Gore Road (ARN #: 212401000418800). Then following along the property line of 12205 The Gore Road to the northernmost corner and then to the south easternmost corner that meets the edge of 12185 The Gore Road (ARN #: 212401000418700) and along the easternmost boundary of the property lines until 12061 The Gore Road (ARN #: 212401000417750) meets 7540 Mayfield Road (Regional Road 14) (ARN #: 212401000703800). Then following along the north western edge of 7540 Mayfield Road around the adjacent property lines of Mayfield Road between 7540 and 7780 Mayfield Road (ARN #: 212401000702900). Then following along the property line of 7780 Mayfield Road to where it meets the municipal boundary at Mayfield Road and following along the municipal boundary in a south westerly direction until the municipal boundary meets the centre line of Bramalea Road. Then following in a north westerly direction along the centre line of Bramalea Road until the centre line of that road, if extended would meet the centre line of Olde Base Line Road (Regional Road 12). Then following in a north easterly direction along the centre line of Olde Base Line Road to where that centre line would meet the centre line of St. Andrews Road if it were extended beyond the end of St. Andrews Road. Then following in a north westerly direction along the centre line of St. Andrews Road until the centre line of that road meets the centre line of Escarpment Sideroad and the point of origin. Map |