Age-Friendly Caledon Action Plan

Age-Friendly Caledon Logo

The Town of Caledon's Age-Friendly Caledon Action Plan is a 10-year, community-driven plan to address the issues that residents over the age of 55 often face. The Plan is developed and implemented in partnership by staff, the Age-Friendly Advisory Committee, residents and community partners. 

The Town of Caledon is pleased to announce that the municipality has been accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO) to join their Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities (GNAFCC). As a member, the Town of Caledon will be part of a growing global movement to better meet the needs of older residents.

Click here to learn more and view the Town’s GNAFCC profile.

Age-Friendly Caledon (AFC) Action Plan (2021 - 2031)

Council approved the Age-Friendly Caledon Action Plan on May 18, 2021 as a next step for the Caledon Community. Our Vision for this plan is to help make Caledon a safe, welcoming, and inclusive community that celebrates the diverse needs of all residents, regardless of age. 

Please find the full Age-Friendly Caledon Action Plan (AODA) below. (please contact us for printed versions of this plan).

Age-Friendly Caledon Action Plan

Age-Friendly Caledon Development

Beginning June 2020, the Town completed the development of the Age-Friendly Caledon (AFC) Action Plan development and completed the Action Plan in April 2021.  

Below is documentation that supports and builds on the AFC Action Plan. If you would like to review the documents, please contact us for a copy. 

Adult 55+ Strategic Plan (2015 - 2021)

The Adult 55+ Strategic Plan was developed in 2015 to support the growing needs of older residents in the Caledon Community. This community based strategic plan acted as a stepping stone for the Town towards the development of an Age-Friendly Caledon Action Plan.

This action plan has since been dissolved and key methodologies and deliverables were incorporated into the Age-Friendly Action Plan to ensure ongoing progress and development moving forward.  

Age-Friendly Background Report
The AFC background report is a review of existing documentation, strategies and key notables that are influential to the building of the AFC Action Plan. This document was designed to help us understand where we have been as we decide where we need to go.  
Community Engagement Survey

The community engagement survey was conducted during the period of November 1 to December 1, 2020 to offer residents of Caledon the opportunity to provide their say in the development of the Age-Friendly Caledon Action Plan. The report provides a highlight of the comments and concerns provided during this time. 

Residents were provided online and paper survey options to ensure the Town had a full review of the needs of the community.  

Public Engagement Sessions

On January 27 & 28 2021 Town Staff hosted virtual public engagement sessions to provide an overview of the Age-Friendly Caledon Action Plan development and provide residents with the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.

Contact us to request a copy of the meeting recordings. 

Supporting the Plan

For the Age-Friendly Caledon Action Plan to be successful, we need to ensure that we have resources available to implement and support the plan. Our Goals are to ensure that though this Plan we remove barriers, improve and update programs and services, enable healthy ageing in all we do, strengthen community partnerships and allocate the necessary resources needed to support the ageing demographic.  

As a community-driven plan, if you are a community stakeholder, business and/or provide a service to residents 55+ or their caregivers in Caledon, you can support the Plan deliverables.

Please find information on the various collaboratives that the Town facilitates and is engaged with and contact us for more information.

Age-Friendly Task Force (AFTF)

The Age-Friendly Task Force (AFTF) is a body of elected residents and community partners that act as the steering committee for the Age-Friendly Action Plan. The of the Task Force is to assist with the implementation of the plan's deliverables and advise staff and council on issues and services related to older adults in the community.

Members of the Age-Friendly Task Force (previously Seniors Task Force) will represent older adult residents throughout Caledon to ensure that residents are able to age well and age in place in the community. 

Peel Council on Aging (PCoA)

Peel Council on Aging Logo

The Peel Council on Aging (PCoA) is a not-for-profit collective of organizations and individuals whose vision is to advance 'healthy aging for all in a connected and caring community'. 

As part of the Ontario Association of Councils on Aging, PCoA is dedicated to education, advocacy, research, and planning directed towards the development and support of "age-friendly" communities' in the Region of Peel. 

As a newly formed council the PCoA will work collaboratively with Age-Friendly Caledon in support regional and local initiatives and the development of best practices throughout the Region of Peel.  

Ageing Well in Caledon Dufferin (AWICD)

Ageing Well in Caledon & Dufferin (AWICD – pronounced A-Wicked) is a collaboration of older adults and community agencies focusing on the empowerment and wellbeing of older adults in the Caledon and Dufferin area through avenues of Communication and Awareness, Physical and Mental Health, and Social Connections.

As an interagency collaborative, AWICD consists of over 20 community members and supports the facilitation of the development and maintenance of a multidisciplinary response to the overall wellbeing of older adults in the Caledon and Dufferin Communities.

The Town of Caledon has been a co-facilitator and collaborative member since 2020. 

Age-Friendly Ontario: Southern Ontario Age-Friendly Network (SOAFN)

Age-Friendly Communities Outreach Program

The Southern Ontario Age-Friendly Network is part of Ontario's Age-Friendly Communities Initiative. Network members meet regularly to share their local Age-Friendly planning process, describe innovative programs and services, and discuss emerging trends or gaps. The networks are an opportunity to learn from and share with each other to help accelerate and strengthen work at a local level. 

Age-Friendly Communities Profile - Town of Caledon

The Town of Caledon has been a member since 2017.

Pan-Canadian Age-Friendly Communities

The Pan-Canadian Age-Friendly Communities is a National Initiative to support local communities with the steps needed to successfully apply the age-friendly communities' model in Canada. 

Age-Friendly Caledon participates as a municipal representative in the Pan-Canadian Age-Friendly Reference Group for the Province of Ontario alongside the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility and Age-Friendly Ontario. The reference group services the interests of members by proactively engaging in various strategic activities to help advance the Age-Friendly Communities model across Canada. 

The Town of Caledon has been a member since January 2022.

What is an Age-Friendly Community?

Age-Friendly Communities are supportive physical and social environments that enable older people to live active, safe and meaningful lives and continue to contribute in all areas of community life. There are many local and international initiatives that support ageing well and ageing in place. Below you will find information on key movements.

Contact us for additional information or questions.

World Health Organization's Age-Friendly World

Age-friendly environments foster healthy and active ageing. They enable older people to: age safely in a place that is right for them; be free from poverty; continue to develop personally; and to contribute to their communities while retaining autonomy, health and dignity. Because older people know best what they need, they are at the centre of any effort to create a more age-friendly world.

Cities and communities are increasing where older people are living. The physical and social environments in our cities and communities are powerful influences on the experience of ageing and the opportunities that ageing affords. Cities and communities around the world are already taking steps towards becoming more age-friendly. An age-friendly world is possible and will be built by all of us - community by community, city by city, and region by region. 

The Age-Friendly Communities movements was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) through their Global Age-Friendly Cities: A Guide to encourage active ageing by increasing opportunities for health, participation and security to enhance quality of life as people age.

According to WHO, the eight dimensions of an Age-Friendly Community include: 

  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
  • Civic Participation and Employment
  • Social Participation
  • Respect and Social Inclusion
  • Communication and Information 
  • Community Support and Health Services
Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities (GNAFCC) 

The Town of Caledon is pleased to announce that the municipality has been accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO) to join their Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities (GNAFCC). As a member, the Town of Caledon will be part of a growing global movement to better meet the needs of older residents.

“Together with residents, Town staff and Council, we have implemented policy and spearheaded initiatives that ensure Caledon is an age-friendly community where older residents can age well and age in place,” said Mayor Annette Groves. “This international recognition from the World Health Organization highlights our commitment to this cause and our motivation to continue improving age-friendliness in Caledon.”

Click here to learn more and view the Town’s GNAFCC profile.

Age-Friendly Ontario

The Creating a more inclusive Ontario: age-friendly community planning guide for municipalities and community organizations provides communities across the province with the tools required to implement the dimensions and key action items as outlined by the WHO.

Age-Friendly Communities are consistent with Ontario’s Action Plan for Seniors. The plan, released in January of 2013, was informed by a report on how to promote better care and health outcomes for older Ontarians entitled Living Longer, Living Well and developed by Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Geriatrics at Mount Sinai and the University Health Network hospitals and Expert Lead for Ontario’s Seniors Strategy.

International Federation of Ageing (IFA)

The International Federation of Ageing drives the agenda of the world’s population ageing, so every older person can live their life to the fullest in a society that respects their past, present and future contributions.

Central to creating an environment that enables older people do what they value are the bridges and relationships that IFA helps to build across disciplines and sectors toward a common agenda that combats ageism and age discrimination and protects the rights of older people.

Collaborations and partnerships with the goal of accelerating the advocacy and policy development achievements lead to the acceleration of knowledge mobilization, reduction of international exchange of research results; reducing barriers to international research activities; fostering knowledge mobilization internationally; identifying knowledge gaps; and providing training opportunities.

Additional resources

Contact us for more information or to review additional resources.

  • Adult 55+ Strategic Plan Background Report
  • Adult 55+ 2019 Annual Report 
  • Adult 55+ 2018 Annual Report
  • Age Friendly Planning Study (2017)
  • Age-Friendly Background Report (2021)
  • Age-Friendly Annual Report (2021)