Budget and Finances

Have your say on Caledon's 2025 Budget!

Staff are currently reviewing Caledon's budget for next year and are looking for input from residents and businesses to inform the budget process. Have your say by clicking on the button below and completing the survey by September 30, 2024.

Caledon 2025 Budget Survey

Budget 2024

Past Budgets

Contact us for budgets prior to 2016.

Financial statements

The Town also publishes annual financial statements, which provides Caledon's financial status including assets, liabilities, net worth, revenue and expenses. View our 2022 Financial Statements.

Past Financial Statements

Contact us for statements prior to 2015.

Performance measurements

The Ontario Municipal Act requires municipalities to provide statistical data about performance measurement. Review the Town of Caledon's most recent 2023 performance measurements.

Municipal Performance Measurement Program

Contact us for reports prior to 2015.

Annual reports

Contact us to request previous versions of annual reports.

Contact us to request an alternative version of the above documents.

Stay informed

Every week we deliver the Town News by email to your inbox. Subscribe and stay up to date with what's happening at the Town of Caledon.
